Have you always wanted to explore essential oils, but the cost was so prohibitive that you were afraid to get started? Have you worried that you would sacrifice quality for cost savings? If so, you're not alone. Many people find it difficult to compare oil quality and they become even more confused when sorting out the price differences.
Are you full of questions about essential oils? Who really has the best oils? Are the oils worth the tremendous cost that some name-brand companies demand? Should you join a multi-level marketing program in order to get wholesale cost options? A quick internet search brings up many less expensive oil options: are they good? Are some oils impure?
We started out just as confused. And we made poor purchases from several different sources before we discovered the truth.Yes. Some essential oils are of obviously low quality and the lowest quality are pretty much good for nothing.Yes. Some essential oils are pure, but they can be purchased more cheaply because they don't have the most attractive scent.Yes. Some essential oils are both pure and smell nice, but they come with a tremendous price tag--many times higher than the same oil can be found for a lot less. Yes, some essential oils are truly pristine, organic, and wonderful--but they are generally not mass-marketed, and they probably aren't worth the cost to the average consumer.
Are there places that sell high quality essential oils without the outrageous markups? Yes. Welcome to Life!
So... take a few minutes and browse our website. Learn about the oils, make an order, and see if you like them. We are confident you will.
Wisdom from Dr. Robert Pappas: Visit Papa's Blog to read his expert opinions.
Dr. Robert Pappas is a chemist with more than two decades of experience in the essential oil industry. He has worked extensively with professionals from around the world, and focuses primarily on essential oil analysis and education, performing quality and purity testing for clients large and small. His opinions are widely respected in the essential oil industry. Dr. Pappas continues to study, analyze, and educate about essential oils. With his permission, we reprint his Essential Oil Myths so you can know the truth among the lies in the essential oil industry. For further study and verification, please visit Dr. Pappas' Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=essential%20oil%20university