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Why am I having trouble logging in to my account?

If you were a customer of Welcome to Life! Essential Oils when the website launched, your e-mail address is probably already tied into the online system. This means that you were probably not able to choose your own password. David sent an e-mail at that time letting you know your temporary password. If you did not notice that password, it is easy to get. Just send us an e-mail and we'll let you know how to log in! After you log in, you can change your password to whatever you would like.


Can I get a printed price list?

Certainly. Send an e-mail our way and we'll send back our "high-tech" Excel file.


How do I know the quality of your oils is actually good?

We purchase our wholesale oils from a reputable merchant who consistently tests the oils they market. On multiple occassions, I have been impressed when the wholesaler has been honest and detailed with regards to their oils--keeping us informed about oils that others might sell as pure which they have determined are not.

Our in-home customers who have had the opportunity to smell the oils and compare them to others are often surprised that they like our oils better than much more expensive alternatives.


Can I order oils that are not on the website?

We have many more oils available for purchase than we sell on our website. Special orders are always welcome if you know you would like something different. If you are interested in an oil that you don't see listed on our site, give us a call.


Can I order oils in bulk?

We are happy to offer you a quote for bulk pricing. A bulk order is essentially a special order and would require that you purchase in 4 ounce or 1 pound volumes. If such a large amount of essential oil fits your needs, we can save you money! Give us a call and we'll get you a quote.


Why are your internet prices a bit higher than your in-home prices?

If you are a Utah customer, you have been used to us making sales tax part of the regular price. However, when we sell online (especially using a credit card), our costs are higher. Therefore, Utah customers who buy online will no longer have what was effectively a 6.75% discount. However, if you'd like to visit us in person, that discount will still be honored.


Can I ingest the oils?

I don't know the legal ramifications to this question and most sources discourage the use of essential oils internally. However, I can say that there are several of our oils that we ingest daily (diluted in liquids and and with food). Obviously, these would be oils listed as Food Additives or GRAS by the FDA.


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