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Oil Blends

Essential oil blends have several benefits over "single" oils. They can have a wide variety of scents and are therefore perfect for mood-enhancement through aromatherapy. They can also be mixed in such a way as to address various aspects of health that are not possible with a single oil. Strong oils can be pre-blended in a carrier oil so that the blend is more easily used right out of the bottle.

The essential oil blends in this category come pre-mixed from the oil wholesaler and are the recipes of the wholesaler. Whenever the ingredients of the blends are shared with us, we fully disclose the ingredients to you. However, some recipes are kept private and we are unable to tell you all of the ingredients that might be part of the blend. If you have certain sensitivities to particular oils, it would be prudent to test the diluted oil before more frequent use. However, the nature of a blend means that the amount of any single oil is already diminished.

Some of these blends are surprisingly similar (perhaps exactly the same) between different companies who purchase product from the same source. For instance, we carry a blend called Citrus Bliss that is remarkably similar to another company. Additionally, retailers are allowed to change the name of the blends so that two oils from different companies with different names may actually be identical. We cannot guarantee that the oils we carry are the same as the oils from another company, but we can guarantee that they are 100% pure and amazing!


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