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From a Customer on November 6, 2019:


"Hi Sarah. This is ______________. I thought you may be interested in this. I was in a car accident on Oct. 10th and got severe airbag burns on my hand and wrist. I was very faithful about putting Lavender, Tea Tree and Frankincense on the burns several times a day. I will send you a couple of pictures of the day it happened and the miracle healing today. 

I have loved your products and am so thankful for them and that you offer them at an affordable price. 

I put on coconut oil, and the other three oils faithfully and would also use bacitracin...not so faithfully. And sure... you can use the pictures. I think it's a miracle how quickly it's healed. It's still a little darker pink (hard to tell in pics), but I'm certain I won't have any scars or long lasting effects."


October 10, 2019--After the Accident:




November 6, 2019




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