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Single Oils

Without question, the most common oils to start your collection are Peppermint, Lavender, and Lemon. These oils are widely known and are becoming a standard in the American home. At Welcome to Life! we are careful not to prescribe how these oils can or should be used, since common sense suggests that every person's body will deal with each oil in slightly different manner. However, a quick internet search will yield many suggestions of ways that these oils can be used to improve your mood, your health, and your environment. Whether you need an aroma pick-me-up, a healthy food wash, a gentle cleaning agent, or a medicinal tonic, it is likely that there is an essential oil that will fit your purposes.

In general, essential oils are used in three basic ways: they can be diluted and applied topically to the skin (for the benefits of the various oil constituents); they can be used in aromatherapy (for the benefits of the scent--diffusing is one example); and some can be used as a flavoring or cooking agent.

As you might imagine, some oils are not appropriate for some uses. There are many strong oils that must be used with caution on the skin, since they might cause irritation. Some oils are not appropriate for diffusing into the air. Additionally, many oils are not appropriate for cooking or ingestion. You should research each oil that you intend to use to make sure that you are using it in a safe manner. However, you will notice that many of the available oils are extracted from common foods and herbs with which you are already familiar.

We have a large selection of individual essential oils for you! However, it is by no means an exhaustive list, so if you are searching for an oil that you don't see here, the odds are that we can get it for you. We're happy to help you, so e-mail, text, or call if you have a question. And remember, every oil at Welcome to Life! Essential Oils is 100% pure and amazing!

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