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Specialty Oil Blends

One of the joys of owning an essential oil business is having the resources to experiment with our own special blends of essential oils. As a mother, Sarah had certain needs she thought essential oils might address so she created a variety of blends for herself: a respiratory aid, a blend for cuts and scrapes, for nausea and so forth. Though the blends were for her own use, we found our customers often had similar needs. We cannot guarantee that any blend will have any particular effect since every person's body is so different, but it might be worth a try. At the very least, each blend offers a different aroma to enjoy.

Recently, we began re-designing some of our oil blends while introducing some new ones. After 6 months of work, we settled on some really awesome oil recipes. Some are new while others replace previous oil blends. For instance, Breath of Life (the old recipe) has been replaced by Breathe Free. The blends are similar, and although not they are not the same, we are confident you will enjoy the new blend just as much as you did the old.

 Because we mix these blends entirely, we are very aware of their ingredients; call us if you have questions regarding one of these proprietary oil blends. As always, every blend is 100% pure and amazing!

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